How the structure of a cover letter look like?

This document is usually submitted in the process of employment with a resume to an employer is a document that, at first glance, is not so necessary, since everyone considers that the most basic document when submitting all their data during employment is a resume. And in fact it is, it plays the biggest role. And there is also a cover letter that helps to draw the attention of the employer to your candidacy, and perhaps even increase your chances of obtaining a wanted job.

Not every job requires you to create this letter, but writing and submitting it can improve your chances of getting the job you want. In some cases, it is absolutely needed to write a letter, in particular, if the chosen employer mentions in the text of the vacancy that he wants the candidate to write a cover letter. You also need to write this letter if you change the type of your occupation, and in order to confirm that you are enough competent and can easily work in a new vacancy. This letter must also be written if you are applying for a vacancy in any foreign company, since a cover letter abroad is an important requirement for a candidate. Usually, the site on which the vacancy is located mentions all requests from employers to candidates for the position, and you can verify this at the link There you can find vacancies for jobs in Dubai, and get familiar with the common requirements of employers regarding cover letters. It must necessarily tell about you as a person, but also reflect your motivation to work in this place of work, your experience in this area, all your competences and personal qualities that are needed so that you can work in this position.

In what style is it desirable to write this letter?

Like all business papers, this appeal is best written in an official business style, since this is an official document for a business person, and has the status of a document. Exceptions are possible only for those who submit their data for work on some kind of creative vacancy, where creativity is highly valued. In this case, it should be manifested already at this level. For other works, this should be a strict information official business document.

What should be the size of your cover letter?

This letter should be exactly right size to tell all the necessary data about you in as much detail as possible, but at the same time without being superfluous or unnecessary. Remember that the advantage of your cover letter is not in the amount of data about you, but also in how competently you compiled it, and selected all your specializations, abilities and opportunities for this particular vacancy. You must write it in such a way that after reading this letter, in the eyes of the employer, you become an ideal option for this vacancy. It is absolutely not worth writing a lot of meaningless text, as well as mentioning something that is not really important for the position. And if you mention something that is not directly related to your job, but these skills can be useful on this vacancy, then be sure to argue why, in your opinion, this skill is your advantage over other candidates.

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What is the structure of this letter?

You need to put some effort into writing this letter, carefully selecting information, and following the example of structure. And also do not forget that this is not another resume, and this letter shouldn’t look like a CV.

  • At the beginning, say hello to the person to whom you are addressing the letter, as these are the rules of politeness. Also, if possible, it is desirable to find out in advance who deals with the affairs of applicants for a job in this place, and contact the person personally. If you do not have such information, just write the position of this person.
  • Please indicate which position you are responding for.
  • Clearly and professionally explain why you are interested in this position. Try to adhere to business style in everything, and not go beyond it.
  • Describe the experience you have already gained at previous jobs, tell us what you have learned while working at previous jobs, and how you can apply it at this job. If there is no work experience in the chosen vacancy, tell us about your skills and qualities, which are very necessary for you to be able to work successfully and productively. at this position. Indicate the information that may potentially interest the employer in your candidacy and help convince him to choose you, even with no practice in your chosen field of work. Don’t forget to justify qualitatively why your skills will allow you to work productively in a new field.
  • Thank the person who read for their attention.
  • Sign the document and note your current contact details where you can be contacted.
  • If the employer wants your portfolio as well, don’t forget to include that as well.

In no case do not invent anything in your letter. Write only true information about yourself, as the employer may want to test you, for example, give you some kind of test task to complete, and see how you cope with it. Also, do not forget that in the 21st century, many people have access to information of various kinds. And those who are engaged in the selection of employees have their own connections by which they can check the veracity of your resume and your qualifications.

What absolutely should not be written in a cover letter?

You should not mention anything that may seem unacceptable to some people, and that it is not necessary to write in a vacancy. There may be some facts that do not affect your life as an employee that are not worth mentioning, and some that your employer does not need to know at all, in particular, those that do not apply to the job. For example, a potential engineer does not have to write in a letter that he played football as a child, since this does not apply to the profession in any way. But studying at the school of arts can be very well argued, since much of the knowledge acquired there can be applied in work. Be careful with all information and write only what is necessary, what you are sure of and can confirm.

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