Know The 10 Surprising Causes Of Blood Sugar Fluctuations

Blood sugar or glucose is the primary sugar substance found in our bodies. The sugar substance comes from the food that we consume and is the main source of our body’s energy. Our blood carries glucose to all our body’s cells to use them for energy. 

We must maintain the blood sugar level of our body because if the blood sugar levels of our body are way too high then it can result in diabetes or many other serious problems. Just like maintaining high blood pressure can be fatal, similarly maintaining a low blood sugar level can also cause serious problems. Your blood sugar level must stay in balance. 

To understand the level of blood sugar in your body one must undertake blood sugar tests.

Blood Sugar Tests

To analyze the level of glucose present in the human body, a fasting blood sugar test is conducted. Several doctors around the world recommend this test to effectively diagnose patients with diabetes.

In a random blood sugar test, the doctor will measure the amount of sugar in your blood. Blood sugar tests will determine the blood sugar level. If you have low blood sugar then it can lead to seizures or coma. If you have high blood sugar then it can lead to diabetic ketoacidosis or can increase the risk of neuropathy. 

Once you are diagnosed with high or low blood sugar you have to maintain a proper sugar control level because it is the only way through which one can eliminate issues related to diabetes, kidney diseases, nerve damage, or in some severe cases heart diseases. 

With the help of proper medication, a healthy diet, consistent exercising and regularly checking the blood sugar level can keep it at a sustainable range. However, on certain occasions, the diverse habits of an individual can disturb the blood sugar level which in the long run may lead to the development of severe disease.

Sometimes you can’t defend against factors that are not within your power to control. That’s why let us take a look at some essential factors that may lead to fluctuations in our blood sugar levels. 

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  • Dehydration 

Decreasing the level of water intake can lead to hyperglycemia (increased level of blood sugar) as the sugar circulation in our body becomes concentrated. High blood sugar might be the reason behind frequent urination which could furthermore increase the levels of dehydration. 

  • Artificial sweeteners

According to the government and medical institutions, the consumption of artificial sweeteners cannot affect blood sugar. Even then it can affect our blood sugar level because artificial sweeteners might be neutral and can be a contributing factor to impaired glucose homeostasis. People with diabetes consume diet drinks as a substitute for regular soda. Consuming excessive amounts of sugar-free food may lead to diarrhoea and dehydration. 

  • Medications

Sometimes certain medications can alter blood sugar levels. Such as – contraceptive pills, antidepressants, diuretics, antipsychotics, steroids, and nasal decongestants. Some medications can cause high blood sugar while others can cause low blood sugar as well making it difficult to determine the signs of blood sugar levels. 

  • Dawn phenomenon

Due to the presence of the dawn phenomenon, the human body is generally awakened by the release of specific hormones primarily between 2 to 8 am. These hormones can make our body less reactive to insulin. 

  • Menstrual cycle

Along with the regular symptoms of the menstrual cycle, hormonal alterations during the premenstrual phase may lead to a change in the blood sugar level. Some women become less reactive to insulin which can result in high blood sugar.

  • Insufficient sleep

Restless nights can hamper your overall energy level and may lead to mood swings. your mood and energy. Individuals may also face issues related to fluctuations in the blood sugar level in the long run. Getting insufficient sleep limits our body’s ability to monitor glucose and insulin levels which may lead to type 2 diabetes.

  • Extreme weather

Extreme weather/temperatures can cause interference with the control of diabetes. Individuals who are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes respond to heat and on days of really hot weather, the blood sugar can increase drastically. Being present in an environment with high temperatures hinders our body to manage and maintain insulin levels.

  • Travelling

People with diabetes have a bigger concern when their travel schedule includes adapting to diverse time zones. The change in the time zone can disrupt your overall sleeping and eating schedules which, in the long run, will adversely affect your blood sugar level.

  • Caffeine

People with diabetes must maintain a safe distance from caffeine. Caffeine can affect the way insulin behaves which can lead to low or high blood sugar. Consumption of excessive caffeine can increase blood sugar levels.

  • Inaccurate blood sugar tests

Blood sugar meters are highly sensitive because they use a tiny draw of blood. If you do not wash your hands properly before the test then it may give an inaccurate reading about your tests. 

Final Overview 

Now it is not possible to keep control of every factor under check but at least we could try a little bit to maintain a proper sugar level and aim for a healthy life. 

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