What Is Interprocess Communication MCQ?

Are you curious to know what is interprocess communication MCQ? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about interprocess communication MCQ in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is interprocess communication MCQ?

What Is Interprocess Communication MCQ?

Interprocess communication (IPC) refers to the mechanisms used by different processes to communicate with each other in a computer system. This involves exchanging data and synchronization of activities between two or more processes. Interprocess communication MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) are a type of assessment tool used to test the understanding of IPC concepts by students, professionals, and job seekers. In this blog, we’ll explore the basics of Interprocess Communication MCQ and why it is important.

What Is Interprocess Communication (Ipc)?

  1. a) Communication between two or more processes
  2. b) Communication between two or more threads
  3. c) Communication between two or more applications
  4. d) Communication between two or more computers

Answer: a) Communication between two or more processes

Which Of The Following Mechanisms Is Used For Ipc?

  1. a) Pipes
  2. b) Semaphores
  3. c) Shared memory
  4. d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

Which Of The Following Is Not A Method Of Ipc?

  1. a) Signals
  2. b) Pipes
  3. c) Threads
  4. d) Sockets

Answer: c) Threads

Which Of The Following Is A Type Of Ipc That Allows Multiple Processes To Access The Same Memory Space?

  1. a) Signals
  2. b) Semaphores
  3. c) Shared memory
  4. d) Pipes

Answer: c) Shared memory

Which Of The Following Is A Type Of Ipc That Allows Communication Between Processes Over A Network?

  1. a) Pipes
  2. b) Signals
  3. c) Sockets
  4. d) Semaphores

Answer: c) Sockets

Importance Of Interprocess Communication MCQs

Interprocess Communication MCQs are essential for testing the understanding of IPC concepts and assessing the knowledge of students, professionals, and job seekers. It helps to identify areas of strength and weakness in IPC knowledge and provides feedback for further learning. Interprocess Communication MCQs also help employers to evaluate the skills and knowledge of job applicants in the area of IPC, enabling them to select the right candidate for the job.


Interprocess Communication MCQs are a valuable tool for assessing the knowledge and understanding of IPC concepts. They cover a range of topics related to IPC, including different IPC mechanisms, synchronization techniques, and communication protocols. Interprocess Communication MCQs help to test the theoretical and practical knowledge of IPC, making them an essential tool for anyone seeking to improve their IPC skills.


What Is Interprocess Communication In Computer?

Interprocess communication (IPC) is used for programs to communicate data to each other and to synchronize their activities. Semaphores, shared memory, and internal message queues are common methods of interprocess communication.

What Is The Communication Process MCQ?

Communication is a process that involves elements like sender, message, encoding, media, decoding, receiver, feedback, and noise.

What Is Interprocess Communication In C?

In computer science, inter-process communication or interprocess communication (IPC) refers specifically to the mechanisms an operating system provides to allow the processes to manage shared data.

What Are The Components Of Communication MCQs?

It consists of five components, Sender, Massage, Channel, Receiver, and Feedback.


I Have Covered All The Following Queries And Topics In The Above Article

What Is Interprocess Communication MCQ Answer

What Is The Interprocess Communication MCQ

What Is Interprocess Communication? MCQ

What Is Interprocess Communication In MCQ

What Is Interprocess Communication In Os

Inter Process Communication Can Be Done Through MCQ

Which Of The Following Two Operations Are Provided By The Ipc Facility?

In Indirect Communication Between Processes P And Q

Inter Process Communication Is Involved In

Why Process Communication Is Needed?

The Information Transferred During Inter-Process Communication Can Be Of:

Message Passing System Allows Processes To

What Is Interprocess Communication MCQ

What is interprocess communication answer

What is interprocess communication?