What Is A Reserved Constituency?

Are you curious to know what is a reserved constituency? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about a reserved constituency in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is a reserved constituency?

In the dynamic landscape of politics, the concept of reserved constituencies plays a pivotal role in fostering inclusivity and ensuring representation for marginalized communities. These constituencies are specifically earmarked to empower certain groups, acknowledging historical disparities and working towards a more equitable political system.

What Is A Reserved Constituency?

A reserved constituency refers to an electoral area where certain seats are set aside for candidates belonging to specific social, ethnic, or demographic groups. The primary objective is to address historical underrepresentation and provide a platform for marginalized communities to actively participate in the political process. Reserved constituencies are a deliberate effort to bridge gaps in representation and amplify the voices of those who have been traditionally marginalized.

Types Of Reserved Constituencies:

  • Gender-Based Reservations:

One of the most common forms of reserved constituencies is based on gender. This ensures that a certain percentage of seats are reserved for either men or women, promoting gender balance in legislative bodies. This measure aims to counter the historical gender bias prevalent in political representation.

  • Ethnic and Racial Reservations:

In regions with diverse ethnic or racial populations, constituencies may be reserved for specific groups. This practice aims to address historical injustices, promote inclusivity, and empower communities that have been historically underrepresented.

  • Reserved Seats for Indigenous Communities:

Some countries designate seats exclusively for representatives of indigenous communities. This recognizes the unique challenges faced by these communities and provides them with a platform to advocate for their rights and interests.

  • Reserved Seats for Minorities:

Minorities, whether religious or linguistic, may be allocated reserved seats to ensure their representation in legislative bodies. This helps in fostering a pluralistic and tolerant political environment.

Rationale Behind Reserved Constituencies:

  • Addressing Historical Injustices:

Reserved constituencies are often implemented as a response to historical injustices and systemic discrimination. By allocating seats to marginalized groups, governments seek to rectify past imbalances and create a more inclusive political system.

  • Promoting Diversity:

A diverse representation in legislative bodies reflects the diversity of the population. Reserved constituencies contribute to the creation of a more pluralistic and representative democracy, where decisions are made with a broader understanding of various perspectives.

  • Empowering Marginalized Communities:

Reserved constituencies empower marginalized communities by providing them with a platform to articulate their concerns and actively participate in shaping policies. This helps in breaking down barriers to political participation.

  • Building a More Inclusive Society:

By ensuring representation for all sections of society, reserved constituencies contribute to the construction of a more inclusive and egalitarian society. This inclusivity is crucial for fostering social cohesion and reducing disparities.

Challenges And Criticisms:

While the concept of reserved constituencies is aimed at fostering inclusivity, it is not without its challenges and criticisms. Some argue that it can perpetuate identity politics, potentially leading to divisions among communities. Additionally, concerns are raised about the selection criteria for reserved candidates and the potential for tokenism.


Reserved constituencies play a vital role in reshaping political landscapes by addressing historical imbalances and promoting inclusivity. While there are challenges associated with their implementation, the overall impact is seen as a positive step towards building a more representative and equitable society. As the world continues to evolve, the ongoing conversation around reserved constituencies remains integral to the pursuit of true democratic ideals.


Why Were Reserved Constituencies?

Answer: (i) The constitution makers were worried that in an open electoral competition, certain weaker sections may not stand a good chance to get elected to the Lok Sabha and to the State Legislative Assemblies.

What Is Electoral Constituency Class 9?

Electoral Constituency. India is divided into different areas for the purpose of elections. These areas are called electoral constituencies. The voters who live in an area elect one representative.

Who Decides Which Constituency Is Reserved?

Who decides which constituency is to be reserved? On what basis is this decision taken? This decision is taken by an independent body called the Delimitation Commission. The Delimitation Commission is appointed by the President of India and works in collaboration with the Election Commission of India.

What Is A Reserved Constituency Class 10?

Reserved constituencies are constituencies in which seats are reserved for Scheduled Castes and Tribes based on the size of their population.

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