What Are Micro Teaching Skills? How Can Teachers Use Them Effectively In Their Classroom?


Micro teaching is a method of teacher training that trains teachers to develop their teaching style based on real life teaching experiences. It’s a unique approach that uses an individualised approach to help teachers improve their teaching skills. This article will look at micro teaching, what it is and how teachers can use it effectively in the classroom.

Teachers use micro teaching as part of the classroom training exercise. A teacher may also use this skill for conducting assessments within a class or at individual level. The purpose behind using micro teaching is to make sure that students know how to apply their knowledge in practical settings.

How does it work?

A micro teaching skill session comprises a supervising teacher and students who are aspiring teachers. The student teachers take short classes and receive feedback and suggestions from their classmates. The teachers can also use micro teaching to give feedback and suggestions to their students. This is a great way of assessing your students on the practical application of their knowledge. Microteaching helps teachers understand how well their students perform in real-life settings, which is essential for effective teaching.

These days, microteaching sessions also include video recordings of real classrooms to analyse and gain insights from them. Some sessions are also recorded so that the student teachers can go through them later and get a better understanding of their teaching skills.

Microteaching sessions usually focus on one skill at a time. This helps the student teachers to really get a good grasp of the complexities of teaching in a classroom. They get enough time to dig into each teacher’s skill and polish themselves accordingly. The observation of a fellow student teacher helps others to learn what they should do or should not to ensure effective learning in the classroom.

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Skills covered in Microteaching

Introducing a lesson

This is the most important skill that a teacher needs to have. The introduction should be short, clear and interesting so that it keeps the students’ attention throughout the lesson. If possible, try to make an example or two about what you are going to teach in class, so that students can relate better with what they will be learning.

Explanation skills

Teachers need to be able to explain things clearly and effectively so that students can understand what they are learning. They should use good vocabulary, simple sentences and clear pronunciation. Teachers should also be able to answer questions from students during the lesson in a way that will help them understand better.

Questioning skills

Teachers need to ask questions that will stimulate students’ interest in the subject. They should also be able to answer questions from students during the lesson in a way that will help them understand better.

Stimulus variation

A good teacher will vary the stimuli used during a lesson so that it is interesting for students. The teacher will also have to vary the style in which they present the information. This means that they will have to change their voice tone and volume, as well as their posture and body language.

Reinforcement skills

A teacher should be able to reinforce the lesson they have just taught by asking questions and giving students an opportunity to answer them. This makes sure that students understand what they have learned and gives them confidence in their ability.

Demonstration skills

A good teacher should be able to demonstrate what they have just taught so that students can see it in action. This will help them to see the steps involved and understand how the lesson works.

Communication skills

A teacher should have the ability to communicate clearly with their students and make sure that they understand what they are saying. This includes being able to explain difficult concepts in a way that students can understand, as well as giving clear instructions on how to perform tasks such as experiments or projects.

Microteaching helps in preparing efficient teachers who are confident to face real classrooms. It helps them understand child psychology while learning. This technique also teaches them about effective lesson planning, classroom management and other related concepts.


This is how micro teaching can be used effectively in the classroom. Teachers should know the importance of this approach and use it whenever they are introducing new concepts in class. So, if you want to know more about such teacher training methods, then get in touch with a Suraasa mentor today

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